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This 6 track album contains most of the quintessential sounds and feelings of tracks produced by Practical Naam as a production company:  beautiful vocal meditation tracks amplified with sumptuous electronic music; haunting, deep, a capella tracks that you can listen to all day long; classical music themed meditation tracks; more traditional, spiritual music such as the Om Atmospheric track, and of course, practical tools to provide specific tracks for specific exercises. Read more about each of the tracks below:

TRACK 1.  Wahe Guru 40x.
This track is specifically for overcoming a person's body of pain, the destructive cycle of reaction that keeps us trapped in our own pain, and keeps us actively repeating that pain and passing it to others.  This track is recorded in such a way that you are only breathing approximately 2x per minute while you chant.  This pattern combined with the mantra Wahe Guru is a powerful activator of the pituitary gland for heightened intuition and glandular health.  This is a mantra of ecstasy and liberation. 

TRACK 2.  Sarbang Bowing
This track was designed originally to provide music for an exercise in The Science of Sound and Light, Volume 1, Kriya #1 by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry which requires rhythmic bowing to the mantra Sarbang Pranang. As one listens to the track, you can hear the kind of otherworldly presence that one experiences through the practice of bowing.  It sounds as though you are in the middle of the universe and can hear feel the top of your head open up as the entire universe opens around you.

Try this exercise with the head up on the word Sarbang in a kneeling position, and the head on the ground for Pranang.  You will be moving quickly.  Find a rhythm that works for you based on your level of fitness and comfort.

TRACK 3.  Ra Ra Ra Ra
This fun track was written in about 3 hours.  It was composed at the request of someone who needed a way to practice this track before there was a recording.  The mantra  is:  Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ma Ma Ma Ma, Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama, Sa Ta Na Ma.  This mantra is used to purify the blood from any type of blood disorder, and to bring protection through a strong auric field.  For a power impact, try inhaling 8x for one verse, and then chanting the next verse all in one breath.  Continue this way for the entire exercise.


TRACK 4.  One Four Two Breath Instrumental

There is a lot that can be said about this particular track.  It is a track designed to help people practice the 1:4:2 ration breaths that have been taught by many yogis, and which are found as a basis of advanced Naam Yoga Pranayam series'. 


This track is a perfect example of a practical application of Shakti Naam yogic science combined with Chris' background in Classical Music.   It has been recorded using a 7 bar pattern in order to accommodate the unique structure of this particular breath ratio.   At the same time it literally embodies the 1:4:2 through a traditional 1, 4, 5 chord structure which when rewritten implies the 1,4, 2 chord structure. 


Beyond the technical aspects, it is a soaringly beautiful chamber music piece reminiscent of the Rachmaninoff Vocalise, or many modern films scores such as Amercian Beauty that create a feeling of moving beyond space and time.  This is one of Chris' favorite tracks.


TRACK 5.  Wahe Guru Choir, Single Voice

This track was included here as in introduction to the science of Jaap/Naam Simran, where one repeats the same sounds over and over.  Recorded with 7 repetitions of the mantra Wahe Guru Per Breath, in a 4 note pattern, it can be understood in one way that this version turns Uranus into Neptune, or 4 into 7.  Try using this track to time your yoga practice, meditate using your mental voice, or sitting in silence and allow the beautiful vocal patterns calm you.  If you like this track, you will love the Album:  Wahe Guru Simran


TRACK 6.  Om Atmospheric

One of the first co-produced tracks with Chris Merrill and Allen Towbin, this unique Om track has an eastern feel to it.  It is perfect for sitting in silent meditation for 11 mins, and going deep beyond the physical.  Try imagining yourself in a sphere of light as you listen for 11 minutes.  Allow the internal stillness to descend, the mind to withdraw and the overtones to stimulate your 6th sense.

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