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SODARCHAN CHAKRA KRIYA  (Released July 28, 2017)

Simple, relaxing music to complement this advanced breathing technique.  Music employs strings, melody and a gentle beat to indicate breathing patterns.  


Track 1:  Sodarchan 11 mins (Medium)

A classic approach to Sodarchan, using the ratio of 1:4:2 for maximum effectiveness, thereby combining the breath ratio with mantra, with physical kriya.  This 11 minute track is perfect for most people to start with.    Take the first 8 beats to get accustomed to the speed of the music, and then begin on the 9th beat (3rd bar), inhaling for 4 counts, holding the breath and mentally chanting the mantra Wa He Guru 16 times, then exhaling for 8 beats.  Continue in this pattern for all 11 minutes.  For complete instructions on performing this technique, please read “Lifting the veil” by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, available at



Track 2:  Sodarchan 31 mins (Slow)

Still using this classing ratio of 1:4:2 for maximum effectiveness, this is a longer, more advanced approach to the same exercise, lasting a full 31 mins.  


Track 3:  Sodarchan 62 mins (Very Slow)

This track is for advanced practice, still utilizing the breath ratio 1:4:2.  Track is a full 62 mins for extended practice by advanced practitioners.  

Track 1:  One Four Two Breath (Medium)

This 7 bar pattern based track is a contemporary, chamber ensemble piece.  The breath in this piece takes approximately 30 secs to complete an entire round.  Take the first 8 beats to get accustomed to the speed of the music, and then begin on the 9th beat (3rd bar).  


Track 2:  One Four Two Breath (Slow)

This a slow, gentle, yet moving and emotional 30 minute piece.  Perfect for extended breath practices and relaxation, this track is built using an ascending 7 bar pattern, inverted to make the piece a little bit more interesting.  Each 7 bars takes approximately 45 seconds to complete.  


Track 3:  One Four Two Breath (Very Slow)

This is an extended breath practice that is both advanced and exemplary for relaxation.  The 7 bar pattern takes a full 60 seconds to complete a single round of breath, and utilizes an ascending and descending scale to mark the passing of time while simultaneously indicating the breath pattern:  one bar on the ascending scale, 4 bars sustained, and 2 bars in a descending pattern.  

NEW SERIES:  MUSIC FOR HEALING (Released July 28, 2017


NEW ALBUM:  Healing Light   (Released July 28, 2017)

Powerful healing music without vocals that is designed for use in healing sessions.  All three tracks stimulate the feeling aspect of the soul to assist the practitioner in having a powerful, expansive and profound experience.


Track 1:  Full Moon Sa Ta Na Ma Instrumental 30 mins

A perfect background for healing work with an unobtrusive, yet soaring melody that builds over 30 minutes and stimulates the feeling aspect of a person.  As a healing practitioner, when your feelings are engaged through music while the mind is focused on the Divine and healing aspects of the recipient, miracles can happen.


Track 2:  Eck Ong 108 Instrumental 60 mins

This track is recorded in a perfect, methodic stimulation of the mysterious “quintessence”, that aspects of us that brings healing and balance, by combining 4 seasons of time to bring harmony, divine flow and balance the seasons within a person.  Listen for the changes that each season brings and allow the natural landscapes to assist in your healing session as your inner vision flies free.  Feel the seasons dance on your skin as they transition from one into the next.


Track 3:  Eck Ong 108 Instrumental Trance 60 mins

This track is recorded using the same base as the previous track but this track is recorded with a 60 bpm frame drum providing a consistent, gentle beat throughout the piece.  60 beats per minute provides a perfect framework for timing breath work, especially during healing work.  

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